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Saint Patrick's Day by Merschat.com

Word Quantity 124
Max Word Length 21
achadh-farcha aged man restored angelic attendance angels annals of ulster ash wood auxerre baal banished snow baptised barren river beer bell black flag blackthorn flowers boston broken storm burning hut calmed sea celtic cheltenham cleansed fort clover concerts connal consecrated virgins converts coyrbre cregrus cross crown and thistle dancing darts of lightning day of tara death of rius dichu transformation disciple dispersed darkness druids dublin emerald island erinn escape evangelization feast day festival fire from ice fireworks fish from meat fitzgerald fleet fountain freed magician gaeidhel germanus goblet gospel green guinness healed cow heavenly veil hercus herdsman hewers of wood hibernian holy leper honey from water horse racing identity idols increased height inextinguishable fire interrupted flight ireland kelts kidnapped legend leprechaun letter to coroticus lochru logaire loireaise lomman march marmoutier martin men of callria midernia mogh-ruith montserrat music o'mara parades patrick poisoned wine pot of gold prophecy pubs rainbow relics restored boy retired sea sacrifice saint saviour seachtain na gaeilge seventeenth seyle shamrock shield of conallus shillelagh shining fingers shrine sloe snakes swallowed evil-doer tamed dog tavern trafalgar square tremeus trinity untouched cowl vision walking stick
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