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Ice Hockey Player Nicknames by Guest (

Word Quantity 496
Max Word Length 28
Abby Ace AK Twenty Seven Albi Alexander the Great Alfie AlMo Anchorman Andy Apple Cheeks Archie Armdog Armstrongov Army Aubs Axe Babe Baby Dominator Backup Bob Bad Joe Baldy Bammer Bashin' Bill Bates Battlin' Billy Baz Beezer Bep Bergy Big Big Bert Big Bird Big Buff Big Joe Big Rig Big Valvoski Big Walt Big Wheels Big Z Bill Pickle Billy the Kid Bingo Bird Dog Birdie Biscuit Bisher Black Jack Bob Bob The Builder Bobby-Lu Bobo Bobs Boiler Bolly Bomber Bonzai Boom Boom Boom-Boom Brash Breeze Brick Bryz Bubba Buck Bucko Buddy Buds Buff Buff Daddy Bugsy Bullet Joe Bun Bundy Bur Burkie Burnaby Joe Busher Busta Reim Buster Butch Captain Canada Captain Canuck Captain Clutch Captain Crunch Captain Czech Captain K Captain Kirk Captain Serious Carbomb Casanova Casseau Checko Cheesy Chicken Parm Chico Chief Ching Chuck Cindy Crybaby Coco Cookie Cookie Monster Cooney Cowboy Crankshaft Crash Crawf Crazy Eddie Criesby CristoWall Crosbovski Crow Crusher Cujo Cyclone Dano Darth Quaider Dear Leader Demmer Demolition Man Dennis The Menace DiPi Dipsy-Doodle-Dandy Disco Dan Dit Doaner Dog Dominator Donnie Bo Dougie Douli Duce Duke Dutch Eddie the Billionaire Eddie the Eagle Enzo Fats Fido Finnisher Flash Flockey Hockey Flower Footer Footy Foppa Frank Frank the Tank Free Candy Game Over Gator Geno Go-Go Goalie Bob God Gomer Goose Grabo Grapes Grease Greyhound Gronk Grumpy Guma Gump Gunner Hank Hap Happy Hartsy Hasan Hatchet Man Hex Hexy Hip-hip-hu-et Homer Hooley Houdini Huggy Bear Hurricane Ice Berg Iggy Iron Man Ironman Izzy J. R. JackJack Jags Jake the Snake Jethro Jiggy Jimmy Buffet Jimmy Slats John Johnny Vermont Jordan Stall Jovocop Juice Juicey Jumbo Joe JVB Kermit Killer King King Anton King Henrik King of Little Things King Richard Kipper Knuckles Kopi Kopistar Kovi Kovy Kulie Kululemon l'Artiste Lappy Le Cousin Le Demon Blond Le Gros Bil Leaping Louie Legs Leo the Lion Lids Little Ball of Hate Little Beaver Little Dempsey Little Giant Looch Lou Lucky Lurch Lurchback of New England Mack Mad Dog Mad Max MAF Marchmont Mario Jr. Marty MaxPac McBackup McGoalie McHardtospell Mickey Ribs Moger Moose Mr Clutch Mr. Devil Mr. Goalie Mr. Hockey Mr. Universe Mr. Zero Mumbles Murph Mush Nabby Napalm Ned Flanders Nemo Net Detective Neuf Neufy Newsy Nieuws Nieuwsy Nieuwy Nine MM Nisky Noodles Nose Face Killah Nuts Octopus Odie Old Blood and Guts Old Hardrock Old Poison Ollie the Goalie One-Eyed Optimus Reim Ovie Ozzie P. J. Papa Moog Pasha Patient Zero Patty Pavs Peaches Peanut Peanuts Pebben Peg Penncakes Peter the Great Phil the Thrill Pickles Porky Punch Pup Radar Razor Rebounds Red Red Light Rev Rex Ricky D. Ricky Deep Rico Rocky Rod the Bod Roli the Goalie Roman Candle Ronnie Franchise Rusty Ryno Saint Patrick Sandpaper Satan's Wallpaper Scooter Seabass Seabs Sense Shady Eighty Shakey Shovel-Shot Sid the Kid Silver Silver Stick Skills Skillsie Skittles Slats SOB Soupy Squeaky St. Patrik Staalsy Stapler Stevie Wonder Stevie-Y Stosh Stumpy Sudden Sudden Death Sugar Shawn Super Joe Super Mario Superstar Sweeney Sweet Lou from the Soo Tazer Teddy Teeder Terrible Ted Teukka Salama The 'Bulin Wall The Accountant The Albanian Assassin The Anton The Big Bomber The Big Cuban The Big M The Big Pavelski The Big Train The Big Valley The Bipolar Goaler The Blonde Bouncer The Boogie Man The Boxing Bruin The Burke Wall The Captain The Cat The Chicoutimi Cucumber The China Wall The Cocktail Schremp The Cop The Cube The Don The Duke of Padocah The Eagle The Edmonton Express The Edmonton Kid The Eliminator The Embalmer The Entertainer The Ferret The Finnish Flash The Finnish Fortress The Finnish MacInnis The Flower The Flying Scotsman The Fog The Fridge The Gender Bender The Gleichen Cowboy The God The Golden Brett The Golden Jet The Gorilla The Great Eight The Great Gabbo The Great Gretzky The Great One The Great Valvoski The Grim Reaper The Gumper The Hammer The Honest Brakeman The Iceman The Intimidator The Keyboard The King The Little M The Magic Man The Magnificent The Man From France The Mask The Mayor The Messiah The Mitchell Meteor The Monster The Mule The Next One The Other One The Pembroke Peach The Perfect Human The Piece The Pocket Rocket The Polish Prince The Preacher The Professor The Puck Goes Inski The Pumper Nicholl Kid The Rat The Red Baron The Reim Minister of Defence The Riverton Rifle The Roadrunner The Rocket The Roman Empire The Russian Machine The Russian Rocket The Sandman The Scot The Secret Weapon The Secretary of Defense The Shawville Express The Sheriff The Special Agent The Statue The Stratford Streak The Tank The Thermometer The Thinker The Unclutch The Vegan The Vladiator The Warden The Whirling Dervish The Wizard The Wizard of Oz The Wrecking Ball Thieving Giraffe Thor Thorbs Tiger Tim Tom Tobias Toby Toe Tomcat Tommy B Tony O Tugger Turk Turkey Turks Universe Uzi Voodoo Wardo Weekesy Wendy Wheels Wild Bill Wild Thing Wiz Wolfman Woody Yo-Yo Zata Ziggy Zubie
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Marvel Universe by Guest (

Word Quantity 224
Max Word Length 18
abomination absorbing man abyss agent coulson agent monica chang agent venom aim air-walker american son anansi ant man ares atlas atum balder beast Black Dwarf black knight black panter black widow blade blood brothers blue marvel blur bor bullseye buri cable cannonball captain america captain marvel captain universe carnage Corvus Glaive crystal cu chulainn daken daredevil dark hawk dazzler deadpool demolition man dionysus disir doombot dr. druid dr. strange dr. voodoo Drax Ebony Maw echo enchantress ex nihilo executioner falcon fandral fenris wolf firebird flux forgotten one frey freya frigga gaea galactus geirrodur gorgon grand vizier green goblin hammer havok hawkeye heimdall hela hellcat hercules hermod hippolyta hobgoblin hoder hogun horus hulk human torch hyperion idunn Infinity Stones Inhumans invisible woman iron fist iron man jack o'lantern jocasta kaluu Kang The Conqueror karnilla kelda kurse living lightning loki lorelei machine man madame web malekith manifold mantis marrina martinex marvel boy masque midgard serpent mikaboshi mimir Mind Stone miss america mister fantastic mjolnir mockingbird moon knight moondragon moonstone Muspelheim mystique namor neptune nessus nick fury nighthawk nightmask nikki nova nova corps odin perun phobos pluto pod power man power orb Power Stone prodigy protector Proxima Midnight quasar queen medusa quicksilver ragnarok ravonna Reality Stone red skull rogue ronin sabretooth sandman scarlet witch scepter scorpion sentry set seth shang-chi shield shiva sif singularity sister grimm skaar skrull smasher songbird Space Stone spectrum speed spider man star brand star fox starhawk stringray rage sunfire sunspot Supergiant superia surtur swordsman synapse taskmaster tesseract thanos The Collector thialfi thing thor thundra tigra Time Stone trickshot typhon tyr ulik ultron us agent validator valkyrie vance astro vibranium victor mancha vidar vili vision volstagg war machine warrior woman wasp whisper white tiger whizzer winter soldier wolverine wonder man Xandar yellowjacket ymir yondu zeus
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Superheroes and Supervillians by Guest (

Word Quantity 529
Max Word Length 17
Abe Sapien Abin Sur Abomination Abraxas Adam Monroe Adam Strange Agent Thirteen Agent Zero Air-Walker Alan Scott Alex Woolsly Allan Quatermain Amazo Ammo Ando Masahashi Angel Angel Salvadore Angela Animal Man Annihilus Ant-Man Anti-Monitor Anti-Spawn Anti-Venom Apocalypse Aquababy Aquaman Arachne Archangel Arclight Ares Ariel Armor Arsenal Astorr Astro Boy Atlas Atom Atom Girl Aurora Azazel Azrael Aztar Bane Banshee Bantam Batgirl Batman Battlestar Beak Beast Beast Boy Beetle Bekka Ben Ten Beta Ray Bill Beyonder Big Barda Big Daddy Big Man Bill Harken Billy Kincaid Binary Bird-Brain Birdman Bishop Bizarro Black Abbott Black Adam Black Bolt Black Canary Black Cat Black Goliath Black Knight Black Lightning Black Mamba Black Panther Black Widow Blackout Blackwing Blackwulf Blade Blaquesmith Bling! Blink Blizzard Blob Bloodaxe Bloodhawk Bloodwraith Blue Beetle Bolt Bomb Queen Boom Boom Boomer Booster Gold Box Brainiac Brother Voodoo Bullseye Bumblebee Bumbleboy Bushido Cable Callisto Cameron Hicks Cannonball Captain America Captain Atom Captain Epic Captain Marvel Captain Planet Captain Universe Carnage Cat Catwoman Cecilia Reyes Century Cerebra Chamber Chameleon Changeling Cheetah Chromos Chuck Norris Claire Bennet Clea Cloak Clock King Cogliostro Colin Wagner Colossal Boy Colossus Corsair Crimson Crusader Crimson Dynamo Crystal Curse Cy-Gor Cyborg Cyborg Superman Cyclops Cypher Dagger Danny Cooper Daphne Powell Daredevil Darkhawk Darkman Darkseid Darkside Darkstar Dash Dazzler Deadman Deadpool Deadshot Deathlok Deathstroke Demogoblin Desaad Destroyer DL Hawkins Doc Samson Doctor Doom Doctor Octopus Doctor Strange Domino Donna Troy Doomsday Doppelganger Dormammu Dr Manhattan Drax Ego Elastigirl Electro Elektra Elle Bishop Elongated Man Emma Frost Energy ERG-One Evilhawk Exodus Fabian Cortez Falcon Fallen One Faora Feral Fighting Spirit Fin Fang Foom Firebird Firelord Firestar Firestorm Fixer Flash Flash Gordon Forge Franklin Richards Franklin Storm Frenzy Frigga Galactus Gambit Garbage Man Gary Bell General Zod Genesis Ghost Rider Giant-Man Giganta Goblin Queen Gog Goku Goliath Granny Goodness Green Arrow Green Goblin Guardian Guy Gardner Hal Jordan Hancock Harley Quinn Havok Hawk Hawkeye Hawkgirl Hawkman Hawkwoman Heggra Hellboy Hellcat Hellstorm Highfather Himon Hiro Nakamura Hit-Girl Hobgoblin Hollow Hope Summers Howard the Duck Hulk Human Torch Huntress Husk Hyperion Iceman Impulse Infinity-Man Invisible Woman Iron Fist Iron Man Iron Monger Isis Jack Bauer Jack-jack Jean Grey Jennifer Kale Jessica Sanders Jigsaw Jim Powell JJ Powell Johann Krauss John Stewart John Wraith Joker Jolt Jubilee Juggernaut Kalibak Kang Kevin Eleven Kick-Ass Kid Flash Kilowog Kingpin Kitty Pride Kool-Aid Man Kraven the Hunter Krypto Lady Bullseye Lady Deathstrike Leader Leech Lex Luthor Light Lass Lightning Lad Lightning Lord Living Brain Liz Sherman Lizard Lobo Loki Longshot Luke Cage Luke Campbell Luna Lyja Mach-IV Machine Man Magneto Magog Magus Man-Thing Man-Wolf Mandarin Martian Manhunter Marvel Girl Master Brood Master Chief Match Matt Parkman Maverick Maxima Maya Herrera Medusa Meltdown Mephisto Mera Metallo Metamorpho Meteorite Metron Micah Sanders Micro Lad Mimic Minna Murray Misfit Miss Martian Mister Fantastic Mister Freeze Mister Mxyzptlk Mister Sinister Mohinder Suresh Moloch Molten Man Monarch Monica Dawson Moon Knight Moonstone Morlun Morph Moses Magnum Mr Incredible Ms Marvel Multiple Man Mysterio Mystique Namor Namora Namorita Naruto Uzumaki Nathan Petrelli Nick Fury Nightcrawler Nightwing Niki Sanders Nina Theroux Nite Owl Northstar Nova Offspring Omega Red Omniscient Onslaught Oracle Orion Osiris Overtkill Penance Penguin Peter Petrelli Phantom Phantom Girl Phoenix Plastic Lad Plastic Man Plastique Poison Ivy Polaris Power Girl Power Man Professor X Proto-Goblin Psylocke Punisher Pyro Quantum Quicksilver Quill Ra's Al Ghul Rachel Pirzad Raven Razor-Fist Red Arrow Red Hood Red Hulk Red Mist Red Skull Red Tornado Redeemer Renata Soliz Rhino Rick Flag Riddler Ripcord Robin Rogue Ronin Rorschach Sabretooth Sage Sandman Sasquatch Savage Dragon Scarecrow Scarlet Spider Scarlet Witch Scorpia Scorpion Sentry Shadow King Shang-Chi Shatterstar She-Hulk She-Thing Shocker Shriek Shrinking Violet Sif Silk Spectre Silver Surfer Silverclaw Sinestro Siren Siryn Skaar Snowbird Sobek Songbird Space Ghost Spawn Spectre Speedball Speedy Spider-Carnage Spider-Girl Spider-Woman Spiderman Stacy X Star-Lord Stardust Stargirl Stayne Steel Stephanie Powell Steppenwolf Storm Sub-Mariner Suli Sunspot Superboy Supergirl Superman Swamp Thing Sylar Synch Takion Tempest Thanos The Cape Thing Thor Thor Girl Thunderbird Thunderstrike Thundra Tigra Tinkerer Titan Toad Toxin Tracy Strauss Trickster Triplicate Girl Two-Face Ultragirl Ultron Vagabond Valerie Hart Valkyrie Vanisher Venom Vertigo Vindicator Violator Violet Vision Vulcan Vulture War Machine Warbird Warlock Warp Warpath Wasp Watcher Weapon XI White Queen Wildfire Willis Stryker Wiz Kid Wolfsbane Wolverine Wonder Girl Wonder Man Wonder Woman Wondra Wyatt Wingfoot X-Man X-Twenty-Three Yellow Claw Yellowjacket Ymir Yuga Khan Zatanna Zoom
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