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Birthday by Guest (

Word Quantity 20
Max Word Length 8
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Halloween by Merschat.com

Word Quantity 56
Max Word Length 14
autumn black bones boo broom cackle candy cat cauldron costumes creepy doorbell dracula eerie flashlight frankenstein frighten games ghosts ghoul goblin haunted house hay ride hoot howl jack-o-lantern mask midnight monster moonlight mummy october orange owl party potion prank pumpkins scare shadows skeleton skull spell spider spirit spooky sweets tomb stone treat trick vampire warlock web werewolf witch zombie
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Harry Potter by Guest (

Word Quantity 573
Max Word Length 39
A History of Magic Aberforth Dumbledore Acid Pops Acromantula Alastor Moody Albus Dumbledore alchemist Alecto Carrow Algie Alice Longbottom Alicia Spinnet Ambrosius Flume Amelia Bones Amos Diggory amulets Amycus Carrow Ancient Runes Andromeda Tonks Angelina Johnson Anthony Goldstein Anti-Cheating Quill Antioch Peverell antique Antonin Dolohov apparation Arabella Figg Aragog Argus Filch Ariana Dumbledore Arithmancy armor Arnold Arthur Weasley Augusta Longbottom Augustus Rookwood Auror Auto-Answer Quill autobiography Azkaban bad eggs and rotten cabbage Bane Bartemius Crouch Jr. Bartemius Crouch Sr. Basilisk Bathilda Bagshot Bathsheba Babbling beach Beauxbatons Beedle the Bard Bellatrix Lestrange Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans Bill Weasley Biting silver snuffbox Blaise Zabini Blood Quill Blood-flavored Lollipops blood-red letter bloodstained playing cards Bloody Baron Boarhound Bob Ogden Borgin and Burkes Bowman Wright brass bright powders broken wand Buckbeak Bulgarian bulldog breeder bundles of feathers butterbeer Cadmus Peverell candy captain captured Care of Magical Creatures Cauldron Cakes Cedric Diggory centaur Chamber of Secrets Charing Cross Road Charity Burbage Charlie Weasley charms Chaser cherry and unicorn hair Cho Chang Chocoballs chocolate Chocolate Cauldrons Chocolate Frogs Chudley Cannons robes Cockroach Clusters coconut ice Cokeworth Colin Creevey collapsible collector conductor confectionery copper Cormac McLaggen Cornelius Fudge crimes Crookshanks crystallized pineapple cursed Cuthbert Binns Daily Prophet Daisy Dodderidge dark magic protection Dark Mark dark wizard Dean Thomas death Death Eater Death Omens Deathly Hallows Dedalus Diggle Defence Against the Dark Arts Deluminator Dementors Dennis Creevey Department of Mysteries Deputy Headmistress Dervish and Banges diadem Diagon Alley diary Dilys Derwent Dirk Cresswell dirty river disowned divination Dobby Dolores Jane Umbridge Draco Malfoy dragon egg dragon liver dragons dried roots Drooble's Best Blowing Gum Dudley Dursley Dumbledore's Army Dungbombs Durmstrang Eeylops Owl Emporium Elder Wand elderly elf Elphias Doge Emmeline Vance Enchanted coins Enchanted Motorbike enchanted sleep England Enid entrance envelopes Ernie Macmillan Errol European Everard Exploding Bonbons Exploding Snap fairy tales Fang fat white rabbit Fawkes fear Fenrir Greyback Fiendfyre Filius Flitwick Firebolt broomsticks firecrab Firenze fireplace firewhisky Fizzing Whizzbees Fleur Delacour floating golden cherubs Floo Powder Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Parlour Flourish and Blotts Fluffy flying flying carpets Foe-glass Forbidden Forest founder Frank Bryce Frank Longbottom Fred Weasley Fridwulfa Frog Spawn Soap Gabrielle Delacour Gambol and Japes gardener Garrick Ollivander Gaunt cottage Gellert Grindelwald George Weasley ghost giant Gilderoy Lockhart gillywater Ginny Weasley Gladrags Wizardwear glittery-black beetle eyes Goblet of Fire Goblin Rebellion goblins Gobstones Godric Gryffindor Godric's Hollow Golden Snitch governor Goyle Sr. grandfather clock Grawp Great Aunt Muriel Gregorovitch Gregory Goyle Grimmauld Place Gringotts Bank Griphook Gubraithian fire Half-Blood Prince Half-cat half-kneazle Hand of Glory hangman's rope Hannah Abbott Harry Potter Head of Magical Law Enforcement Head of the Department of Magical Games headquarters healer Hedwig Helena Ravenclaw Helga Hufflepuff Hengist of Woodcroft Hepzibah Smith herb jars herbology Hermes Hermione Granger Hiccup Sweets Highmaster Hippogriff Hog's Head Hogsmeade Station Hogsmeade Village Hogwarts Hogwarts Express Hokey homework honey-colored toffee Honeydukes Sweetshop Horace Slughorn Horcrux Howler Hufflepuff House human bones human fingernails Ice Mice Ignotus Peverell Igor Karkaroff imprisoned infamous Inferi ingredients insanity Invisibility Cloak Irish Irma Pince James Potter Jelly Slugs Jugson Justin Finch-Fletchley Katie Bell Keeper for Puddlemere United Kendra Dumbledore kill King's Cross Kingsley Shacklebolt Knight Bus Knockturn Alley Kreacher Lavender Brown Lee Jordan Levitating Sherbet Balls librarian library Licorice Wands lightning bolt-shaped scar Lily Potter Little Hangleton Little Whinging locket London Lord Voldemort Lucius Malfoy Ludo Bagman Luna Lovegood Mad-Eye Madam Malkin Madam Puddifoot's Madam Rosmerta magic necklace Magical Maintenance Department Magical Me Magical Menagerie Magical Quill magically unstable Magnolia Crescent Magorian Malfoy Manor many-legged tweezers Marauders Map Marietta Edgecombe Marjorie Dursley Marvolo Gaunt Mary Cattermole Mary Riddle masks medieval wizard memory spell Merope Gaunt metamorphmagus Michael Corner Millicent Bulstrode Minerva McGonagall Ministry of Magic Mirror of Erised Misuse of Muggle Artifacts Office Moaning Myrtle Molly Weasley Monster Book of Monsters Morfin Gaunt Mrs. Norris Muggle Studies Mundungus Fletcher murder music box Nagini Narcissa Malfoy Neville Longbottom Newt Scamander Nicolas Flamel Nimbus two thousand No-Heat Fireworks Norbert North Sea North York Moors Northumberland Nose-Biting Teacups nougat Nurmengard nurse Nymphadora Tonks Oliver Wood Ollivander's Ollivanders Olympe Maxime Omnioculars Opal necklace Order of the Phoenix ornate crystal bottle Ottery St Catchpole Padma Patil painting Pansy Parkinson parchment Parseltongue party Parvati Patil Peeves Penelope Clearwater Pensieve Pepper Imps Peppermint Toads Percival Dumbledore Percy Weasley permission slip Peter Pettigrew Petunia Dursley pewter Pigwidgeon Pig pink confetti Pius Thicknesse Platform Nine and Three-Quarters playground Pleiades poisonous candles poisonous orange snails poltergeist Pomona Sprout Poppy Pomfrey Portkeys portrait Post Office Potage's Cauldron Shop potions Predicting the Unpredictable prefect Privet Drive Probity Probe professor prophecy proprietor protector pub purple robes pygmy puff Quality Quidditch Supplies Quick Quotes Quill Quidditch balls Quidditch Beater Quidditch World Cup Quirinus Quirrell Rabastan Lestrange Ravenclaw ravens Reginald Cattermole Registration Commission Regulus Arcturus Black Remembrall Remus Lupin reporter Resurrection Stone Revealer Ripper Rita Skeeter Robes for All Occasions Rodolphus Lestrange Rolanda Hooch romance Romania Romilda Vane Ron Weasley Room of Requirement Rosmerta's oak-matured mead Rowena Ravenclaw Rubeus Hagrid Rufus Scrimgeour Salazar Slytherin Scabbers Scabior scales scams school essays schoolmate scrivener Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop seals Seamus Finnigan Secrecy Sensor secret passage Self-Shuffling Playing Cards self-stirring Septima Vector Severus Snape Shell Cottage shop Shrieking Shack silver silver unicorn horns Sir Cadogan Sir Nicholas de Mimsy-Porpington Sirius Black Slug and Jiggers Apothecary Slug Club Slug Repellent Slytherin snake snarled claws Snatcher Sneakoscope snowy owl solid gold Sonnets of a Sorcerer Sorting Hat soul spectacles Spell-Checking Quill Spellotape Spinner's End spy squib St. Mungo's Hospital Stalls Stan Shunpike staring glass eye stationery statue strings of fangs student Sturgis Podmore Sugar Quills Surrey Susan Bones sword Sybill Patricia Trelawney Tale of the Three Brothers task teacher teashop Ted Tonks Teddy Lupin Terry Boot textbooks The Burrow The Fat Friar The Fat Lady The Grey Lady The Invisible Book of Invisibility The Leaky Cauldron the Philosopher's stone The Quibbler Theodore Nott Thomas Riddle Jr. Thomas Riddle Sr. Three Broomsticks Three-headed dog Tiberius Ogden Time-Turners Tinworth toad Toothflossing Stringmints tortured train traitor transfiguration trapdoor Trevor trinkets Triwizard Tournament twin Two-way mirrors Umbridge's Inquisitorial Squad Undersecretary Unforgivable Curses unusual socks Valentine's Day Vanishing Cabinet vaults Vernon Dursley Viktor Krum Vincent Crabbe Jr. Vincent Crabbe Sr. Wandmaker war memorial Wartcap Powder wealthy Weasley family clock Weasley's Wizard Wheezes werewolf West Country Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank Wiltshire Wimbourne Wasps Winky Wiseacre's Wizarding Equipment witch Witherwings Wizard's Chess wizarding joke shop Wormtail Xenophilius Lovegood Yaxley Yule Ball Zacharias Smith Zonko's Joke Shop
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New Years by Guest (

Word Quantity 10
Max Word Length 14
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New Years by Guest (

Word Quantity 15
Max Word Length 17
ball calendar Celebrate clock countdown fireworks first Happy holiday. midnight January Kisses New Year party resolutions years
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Office Party Etiquette by Guest (

Word Quantity 53
Max Word Length 21
abstinence amiable arrive on time attend be prompt behave professionally celibacy chat conform dance conservatively discretion don't bully don't criticize dress nicely eat prior to eye contact flatter follow policies friendly get a good seat greet handshake in moderation interact introduce it's work know names leave on time listen manners meet mingle modesty neutral topics no crashers no gag gifts participate plan conversations platonic polite positivity respect privacy safe gifts schmooze self-restraint show interest small talk smile socialize stay sober thank organizer turn off cell virgin cocktails
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Slumber by Guest (

Word Quantity 22
Max Word Length 12
bay village birthday books cake gifts girls ice cream love to read moon movies night time party photographs pillow popcorn puzzles sixth grade sleeping bag sleepover slumber sodapop twelve
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The Hobbit by Guest (

Word Quantity 204
Max Word Length 26
albino Alfrid amputated arm Ancalagon the Black Arkenstone arrow Astrid auctioneers Azog the Defiler backpack Bag End Bain Balin Bard the Bowman battle Battle of Five Armies bear Beater Belladonna Took Beorn besiege Bifur Bilbo Baggins Biter blue glow Bofur Bolg Bombur bow Braga bravery Bree bridge Bullroarer Took Bungo Baggins burglar Carrock cavern chasm Chubb Chubb and Burrowes chute cloak club contract courage coward crow cunning dagger Dain Ironfoot Dale darkness day's last sunlight desolation Dol Guldur Dominion of Men Dori dragon Dwalin dwarf Elrond Elros elven blade Erebor Ered Mithrin escape Esgaroth evil exile fantasy Feren Fili Finbul fire Forest River Free Peoples Frodo furrier Galadriel game of riddles Gandalf the Grey giant eagles gigantic wolf beast Glamdring Gloin Goblin Cleaver Goblin King Goblin Town gold Gollum good great cup greed Grey Mountains Grinnah Gwaihir hidden keyhole Hilda Bianca hoard hobbit hood howl immense white gem imprison Inn at Bywater interrogation specialist invisibility Istari journey Keeper of the Dungeons Kili King Thranduil King Thror Kingdom under the Mountain ladders lair Laketown last moon of autumn ledge Legolas liquidation of assets Lobelia Sackville-Baggins Lonely Mountain Longbeards Lord of the Eagles lost buttons Lothlorien lucky black arrow mail coat map Master Worrywort mind reading Mirkwood mithril Money Bags moon light Mount Gram Necromancer Nori Olga open barrel boats Orcist orcs Otho Sackville-Baggins party Percy petrification plundered pride quest Radagast the Brown Ragash raven refugee Rhosgobel rising sun Rivendell Roac Saruman Sauron scaffolding Sebastian the Hedgehog shape-shifter sheath Sigrid silver spoons Smaug Soury staff Sting stone giants stubborn sword Tauriel teleportation The Elvenking The Iron Hills The Misty Mountains The Old Thrush The Old Took the one ring The Shire The White Council There and Back Again thirteen Thorin Oakenshield throwing boulders Tilda trap treasure trees Valar vengeance vicious Warg warrior waterfall weak spot wealth William the Troll wizard Woodland Elf Woodland Realm
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UNIT THREE by Guest (

Word Quantity 10
Max Word Length 7
boots box frog mask party sandals shirt shoes skirt socks
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