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Ancient Weapons by Guest (

Word Quantity 611
Max Word Length 33
Adze Ahlspiess Aikuchi Aklys Amirre Anelace Angon Ankus Ankusha Arbalest Arbir Arblast Arit Arming Sword Arquebus Aruval Asa Asaya Assagai Assamese Dao Assegai Atgeir Atlatl and Darts Awl Pike Ax Match and Wheellock Ayudha Katti Backsword Bagh Nakh Bangkaw Bardiche Barong Baselard Basilard Basket-Hilted Sword Bastard Sword Baton Francais Battle Axe Bec de Corbin Bec de Faucon Beidao Bhuj Bihander Bilbo Bill Bill Hook Bill-Guisarme Bisento Blow Tube Blowgun Blowpipe Bludgeon Blunderbuss Bo Bo-Shuriken Boar spear Boar Sword Bolas Bolo Boomerang Brandistock Brass Knuckles Briquet Broadaxe Broadsword Bronze Sword Buckhorn Parrying Stick Bullet Bow Bullhook Bullwhip Buttafuore Cable-backed bow Caliver Cambuk Carbine Carbine Ax Cat O'Nine Tails Celtic Dagger Celtic Sword Cestrosphendone Cestrus Cestus Chacing Staff Chain Whip Chako Chakram Chang Xiao Ban Changdao Chichang Chicken sickles Chicotte Chigiriki Chisakatana Chokuto Chu-ko-nu Chui Churuvadi Chuttuval Cinquedea Claidheamh Da Laimh Claymore Club Clubbing Boomerang Colichemarde Composite bow Congolese Ax Cossack Dagger Crops Crowbill Cudgel Culverin Cumberjung Cutlass Dadao Dagger-axe Dahomey Axe Club Dai Chui Daijichang Daikyu Dane Axe Dangpa-chang Danisco Danish Axe Dao Decurve bow Deer Horn Knives Deflex bow Dha Disackn Do-tanuki Doglock Doloire Donderbus Dongyemochang Dopplehander Doru Dory Double-Ended Flail Dragon's Fist Dusack Dusagge Dusegg Dusegge Dussack Dysack Eku Elephant goad Elephant Hook English Bill English Bullet Bow English Long Axe English longbow Epee Eskrima Sticks Espada ropera Espadon Espee Bastarde Estoc Executioner's Sword Falarica Falcata Falchion Fauchard Feather Staff Fimbo Finger Knife Firanghi Firangi Fire Lance Flail with Quoits Flambard Flamberge Flame-bladed sword Flammard Flammenschwert Flanged mace Flatbow Fleau D'armes Flintlock Flying Claws Flying Hammer Flyssa Four-Pointed Tongi Framea Francesca Francisca Frying Pan Fu Fukiya Fustibale Gaizaz Galgorichang Gandasa Gar Gastraphetes Gauntlets Geirr Ger German Stone Bow Gladius Glaive Goedendag Goleyo Golok Great sword Grobmesser Grootzwaard Guan Guisarme Gun Gungdo Gurz Hackbut Hafted Axe Haikuchi Hakapik Halberd Halberd Double Barreled Wheellock Hammer Hanbo Hand Axe Hand Cannon Hand-And-A-Half Sword Hangar Hanger Hankyu Harkbus Harpe Harpoon Harquebus Hasta Hatchet Heading Sword Heavy Cavalry Sword Hiebmesser Highland Sword Hira-Shuriken Hoko Yari Holbein Dagger Holy Water Sprinkler Hook Sword Horseman's Hammer Horseman's Pick Hunga Munga Hungarian Bow Hunting Cleaver Hunting Sword Huochong Hurlbat Hwal Hwandudaedo Ida Imvubu Indian Parrying Weapon Iron Fan Itak Jangchang Javelin Ji Jian Jitte Jiujiebian Jo Jouhyou Jukjangchangbo Jutte Kama Kampilan Kanabo Karabela Karambit Kaskara Kastane Katana Katara Katzbalger Kerambit Kestrophedrone Kestros Khanda Khanjali Khanjarli Khopesh Khukri Kiboko Kilij Kinjal Klewang Knobkerry Knobkierie Knobkierrie Knopkierie Knout Knuckle Dusters Ko Kodachi Kopis Kora Korambit Korean Fan Kotiate Krabi Kriegsflegel Kriegsmesser Kujang Kukri Kunai Kurbash Kurumaken Kurunthadi Kuruvadi Kusari-Fundo Kusari-Gama Kyoketsu-shoge La Canne Labrys Lance Lancea Langes messer Langschwert Lariat Larim Fighting Bracelet Lasso Lathi Leaf-Shaped Dagger Leaf-Shaped Sword Litupa Liu Xing Chui Liuyedao Lochaber axe Long gun Long-Bearded Axe Long-Handled Nagamaki Longer Danish Axe Longsword Lowland Sword Lucerne Hammer Macana Mace Scepter Mace Wheellock Machete Macuahuitl Madu Makhaira Malibar Coast Sword Mameluke Man Catcher Mandau Manriki Manriki-Gusari Maquahuitl Martel de Fer Martiobarbuli Maru Masakari Matchlock Mattock Maul Menaulion Mere Meremere Messer Meteor Hammer Miao dao Migration Period Spear Military fork Misericorde Mnigolo Mongol bow Monk's Spade Morning Star Mortuary Sword Mu Puche Muchan Mughal Mace Musket Myrmex Nabboot Naboot Nagamaki Nagamaki Sword Naginata Nagyka Nandao Nangsun Neko-te Ngaw Nihonto Nimcha Ninjato Njiga Nodachi Nulbjakchang Nulla Nulla Nunchaku Nyepel Nzappa zap O-tsuchi One-Handed Dacian Falx Ono Organ Gun Otachi Otta Ottoman Gurz Ottoman Quama Ovate Handaxe Ox Tongue Spear Palstave Palupad Panabas Parade Sword Parang Pandit Paratschwerter Partisan Partizan Pata Patu Patuki Pellet Crossbow Perso-Parthian Bow Phalarica Piandao Pichangatti Pickaxe Pike Pilum Pinuti Pistol Pistol Crossbow Pistol Sword Pitchfork Plancon a Picot Planson Plumbata Poleaxe Pollaxe Pudao Pulwar Push Dagger Qiang Qijiebian Quama Quarterstaff Rabauld Ranseur Rapier Rawcon Repeating Crossbow Rhomphaia Ribaudkin Ribault Rock Roman Scissor Rope Dart Rope Javelin Roundhead Rungu Runka Sabarichang Sabre Sagaris Saif Saingeom Saintie Samjigun Samjitbin Sansetsukon Sappara Sarissa Sasumata Saunion Schiavona Schweizerdegen Schweizersabel Scimitar Scythe Self bow Shamshir Shareeravadi Shashka Sheng Bao Sheng Biao Shepherd's Axe Shikomizue Shillelagh Short Scepter Shorter Danish Axe Shotel Shoum Shuriken Sibat Sica Sickle Sickle-Sword Side Sword Sjambok Skane Lockbow Sledgehammer Slungshot Small Crossbow Small Sword Smallwhips Snaphance Snaplock Sodegarami Soliferreum Soliferrum Sosun Pattah Spada Longa Spadone Spadroon Sparth Axe Spatha Spetum Sphairai Spiculum Spiked Mace Spontoon Tomahawk Standard Crossbow Stave Sling Stockwhip Stone Club Straight Sticks Sudanese Sickle-Knife Sumbling Suruchin Surujin Suwaiya Swiss Dagger Sword Gauntlet Sword of Justice Swordstaff Szabla Tabak-Toyok Tabarzin Tachi Taiaha Takoba Talibon Talwar Tambo Tanbo Tekagi-Shuko Tekkan Tekko Tempered Birch Fan Tepoztopilli Tesak Tessen Tewhatewha Three-Section Staff Throwing Knife Throwing Spikes Throwing Stars Thrown Darts Thuseckn Tibetan Jian Tiger Claws Tomahawk Tonfa Toupjang Trident Trishula Truncheon Tsukubo Tsurugi Tu Huo Qiang Tuck Turkish bow Tuseckn Two Handed Sword Two-Handed Dacian Falx Two-Pointed Tongi Two-Section Staff Uchigatana Urumi Uurga Valaska Vechevoral Verutum Vettukathi Viking Axe Voulge Waddy Wakizashi War Hammer War Hammer Wheellock War Scythe War Sword Warbow Wedong Welsh longbow Wheel Lock Whirlbat Wind and Fire Wheels Wodao Woomera Wrench Xiphos Yangjimochang Yanmaodao Yari Yatagan Yataghan Yawara Yawara-bo Yubi-bo Zanbato Zhanmadao Zhibei dao Zhuge Nu Zweihander
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Apex Predators by Guest (

Word Quantity 298
Max Word Length 31
Abelisaurus Achillobator Acrocanthosaurus Aerosteon African Civet African Golden Cat African Lion African Lungfish African Rock Python African Wild Dog Afrovenator Albertosaurus Alectrosaurus Alioramus Alligator Gar Alligator Snapping Turtle Allosaurus American Alligator American Badger American Black Bear American Crocodile Antarctic Skua Appalachiosaurus Arapaima Arctic Fox Asian Black Bear Asian Golden Cat Atlantic Goliath Grouper Aublysodon Aucasaurus Australovenator Austroraptor Baiji Baikal Seal Balaur Bald Eagle Bambiraptor Barred Eagle Owl Baryonyx Beluga Sturgeon Black Caiman Black Grouper Black Mamba Black Marlin Black-Backed Jackal Black-Headed Python Blakiston's Fish Owl Blood Python Blue Marlin Boa Constrictor Bobcat Boto Box Jellyfish Brown Bear Brown Fish Owl Brown Tree Snake Bull Shark Burmese Python Bushmasters Byronosaurus Caiman Canada Lynx Cape Eagle Owl Caracal Carcharodontosaurus Carnotaurus Ceratosaurus Chacma Baboon Cheetah Chilantaisaurus Chimpanzee Clouded Leopard Coelophysis Coelurus Columbian Red Tail Boa Common Snapping Turtle Compsognathus Cougar Coyote Crab-Eating Fox Crested Eagle Cristatusaurus Crocodile Monitor Crowned Hawk-Eagle Cryolophosaurus Culpeo Daspletosaurus Deinodon Deinonychus Deltadromeus Dhole Diamond Python Dilong Dilophosaurus Dingo Dog Dromaeosaurus Dryptosaurus Dunkleosteus Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake Eastern Wolf Ekrixinatosaurus Elaphrosaurus Electric Catfish Electric Eel Electric Ray Eocarcharia Eoraptor Eotyrannus Ethiopian Wolf Eurasian Eagle Owl Eurasian Lynx European Badger Eustreptospondylus False Gharial False Killer Whale Forest Eagle Owl Fossa Fukuiraptor Gaboon Viper Ganges And Indus River Dolphin Gasosaurus Genyodectes Gharial Giant Freshwater Stingray Giant Grouper Giant Otter Giant Pacific Octopus Giant Petrel Giant Salamander Giant Snakehead Giant Trevally Giganotosaurus Golden Eagle Golden Jackal Goonch Gorgosaurus Gray Wolf Great Barracuda Great Horned Owl Great Skua Great White Shark Green Anaconda Greenland Shark Grizzly Bear Guanlong Harpy Eagle Harrier Hawk Harris Hawk Himalayan Wolf Honey Badger Human Iberian Lynx Iliosuchus Indian Python Indian Wolf Indosaurus Indosuchus Irritator Jaguar Kaluga King Cobra Komodo Dragon Kryptops Labocania Lace Monitor Lake Trout Lappet-Faced Vulture Large Indian Civet Largemouth Bass Leatherback Turtle Leopard Leopard Seal Liliensternus Linheraptor Lionfish Liopleurodon Livyatan Melvillei Loggerhead Sea Turtle Lourinhanosaurus Majungasaurus Malabar Large-Spotted Civet Mandrill Maned Wolf Mapusaurus Marlin Masiakasaurus Mediterranean Monk Seal Megalodon Megalosaurus Megaraptor Metriacanthosaurus Monolophosaurus Monster Of Aramberri Moray Eel Mugger Crocodile Mulga Snake Murray Cod Muskellunge Nanotyrannus Nassau Grouper Neovenator New Guinea Harpy Eagle Nile Crocodile Nile Monitor Nile Perch Northern Pike Ocelot Olive Python Orca Orkoraptor Ornate Monitor Osprey Oxalaia Pel's Fish Owl Perentie Philippine Eagle Philippine Water Monitor Piraíba Catfish Poekilopleuron Polar Bear Powerful Owl Predator X Pseudoplatystoma Pyroraptor Rajasaurus Raptorex Ratel Red Fox Red Wolf Redtail Catfish Reticulated Python Rock Eagle Owl Rugops Sailfish Salmon Shark Saltwater Crocodile Saurophaganax Saurornithoides Saurornitholestes Sawfish Scrub Python Segisaurus Semutundu Catfish Serval Shelley's Eagle Owl Short-Eared Dog Siamosaurus Siamotyrannus Side-Striped Jackal Sinornithosaurus Sinraptor Smallmouth Bass Snow Leopard South Polar Skua Spectacled Bear Sperm Whale Spinosaurus Spotted Hyena Steller's Sea Eagle Suchomimus Sun Bear Sunda Clouded Leopard Swordfish Syrinx Aruanus Szechuanosaurus Taipan Tarascosaurus Tarbosaurus Tasmanian Devil Tawny Fish Owl Tiger Tiger Quoll Tiger Shark Tigerfish Torvosaurus Troodon Tsaagan Tuna Tyrannosaurus Utahraptor Velociraptor Verreaux's Eagle Owl Vundu Walleye Water Monitor Wedge-Tailed Eagle Wels Catfish White Grouper White Sturgeon White-Tailed Eagle White-Throated Monitor Wolverine Yangchuanosaurus Yellow Anaconda Zanabazar Zhuchengtyrannus Zungaro Zungaro
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Autumn by Guest (

Word Quantity 67
Max Word Length 16
apples beets boots bounty broccoli cabbage camellia canoeing carrots cauliflower cheerleaders Chrysanthemum cider coat color change cool temperature corn cornucopia cranberries dahlias dormant early night echinacea equinox fall figs football Gordonia grapes Halloween harvest hat hay rides hibiscus horse rides kites kohlrabi lettuce long sleeves maple syrup melancholy Moon Festival mountain biking mushrooms onions orange pears plenty pomegranates potatoes pumpkins radish red ripening salvias scarf season soccer spinach storage Sukkot tabernacles Thanksgiving Tibouchina transition windy yellow
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Basketball Players of 2012 by Guest (

Word Quantity 438
Max Word Length 19
A. J. Price Aaron Gray Al Harrington Al Horford Al Jefferson Al-Farouq Aminu Alan Anderson Alec Burks Alonzo Gee Amar'e Stoudemire Amir Johnson Anderson Varejao Andray Blatche Andre Iguodala Andrea Bargnani AndreMiller Andrew Bogut Andrew Bynum Andrew Goudelock Andris Biedrin Antawn Jamison Anthony Morrow Anthony Parker Anthony Randolph Anthony Tolliver Armon Johnson Arron Afflalo Austin Daye Avery Bradley Baron Davis Ben Gordon Ben Uzoh Ben Wallace Beno Udrih Bismack Biyombo Blake Ahearn Blake Griffin Bobby Simmons Boris Diaw Brad Miller Brandan Wright Brandon Bass Brandon Jennings Brandon Knight Brandon Rush Brendan Haywood Brian Cardinal Brian Cook Brian Scalabrine Brook Lopez Byron Mullens C. J. Miles C. J. Watson Carl Landry Carlos Boozer Carlos Delfino Carmelo Anthony Caron Butler Cartier Martin Chandler Parsons Channing Frye Charles Jenkins Charlie Villanueva Chase Budinger Chauncey Billups Chris Andersen Chris Bosh Chris Duhon Chris Kaman Chris Paul Chris Singleton Chris Wright Christian Eyenga Chuck Hayes Cole Aldrich Corey Brewer Corey Maggette Cory Higgins Cory Joseph Courtney Fortson Courtney Lee Craig Smith D. J. Augustin D. J. Kennedy D. J. White Daequan Cook Dahntay Jones Damien Wilkins Damion James Dan Gadzuric Daniel Gibson Daniel Orton Danilo Gallinari Danny Granger Danny Green Dante Cunningham Darius Morris Darko Milicic Darrell Arthur Darren Collison Darryl Watkins David Lee David West DeAndre Jordan DeAndre Liggins DeJuan Blair Delonte West DeMar DeRozan DeMarcus Cousins DeMarre Carroll Derek Fisher Deron Williams Derrick Brown Derrick Byars Derrick Favors Derrick Rose Derrick Williams DeSagana Diop DeShawn Stevenson Devin Ebanks Devin Harris Dexter Pittman Diamon Simpson Dirk Nowitzki Dominic McGuire Dominique Jones Donald Sloan Donte Greene Dorell Wright Drew Gooden Dwight Howard Dwyane Wade E'Twaun Moore Earl Boykins Earl Clark Earl Watson Ed Davis Eddy Curry Eduardo Najera Ekpe Udoh Elliot Williams Elton Brand Emeka Okafor Enes Kanter Eric Bledsoe Eric Gordon Eric Maynor Erick Dampier Ersan Ilyasova Evan Turner Francisco García Gary Forbes Gary Neal George Hill Gerald Green Gerald Henderson Gerald Wallace Gilbert Arenas Glen Davis Goran Dragic Gordon Hayward Grant Hill Greg Monroe Greg Smith Greg Stiemsma Greivis Vasquez Gustavo Ayon Hakim Warrick Hamed Haddadi Hasheem Thabeet Hassan Whiteside Hedo Turkoglu Ian Mahinmi Iman Shumpert Isaiah Thomas Ish Smith Ivan Johnson J. J. Hickson J. J. Redick J. R. Smith JaJuan Johnson Jamaal Magloire Jamaal Tinsley Jamal Crawford Jamario Moon Jameer Nelson James Anderson James Harden James Johnson James Jones James Singleton Jan Vesely Jannero Pargo Jared Dudley Jared Jeffries Jarrett Jack Jason Collins Jason Kidd Jason Maxiell Jason Richardson Jason Smith Jason Terry Jason Thompson JaValeMcGee Jeff Pendergraph Jeff Teague Jeremy Evans Jeremy Lin Jeremy Pargo Jeremy Tyler Jerome Jordan Jerry Stackhouse Jerryd Bayless Jianlian Yi Jimmer Fredette Jimmy Butler Joakim Noah Jodie Meeks Joe Johnson Joel Anthony Joel Przybilla Johan Petro John III Lucas John Salmons John Wall Jon Brockman Jon Leuer Jonas Jerebko Jonny Flynn Jordan Crawford Jordan Farmar Jordan Hamilton Jordan Hill Jordan Williams Jose Calderon Jose Juan Barea Josh Childress Josh Harrellson Josh Howard Josh McRoberts Josh Selby Josh Smith Jrue Holiday Julyan Stone Justin Dentmon Justin Harper Juwan Howard Kawhi Leonard Kelenna Azubuike Kemba Walker Kendrick Perkins Kenneth Faried Kenyon Martin Kevin Durant Kevin Garnett Kevin Love Kevin Martin Kevin Seraphin Keyon Dooling Kirk Hinrich Klay Thompson Kobe Bryant Kosta Koufos Kris Humphries Kurt Thomas Kwame Brown Kyle Korver Kyle Lowry Kyrie Irving Kyrylo Fesenko Lamar Odom LaMarcus Aldridge Lance Stephenson Lance Thomas Landry Fields Larry Sanders Lavoy Allen Lazar Hayward Leandro Barbosa LeBron James Lester Hudson Linas Kleiza Louis Amundson Louis Williams Luc Mbah a Moute Luis Scola Luke Babbitt Luke Harangody Luke Ridnour Luke Walton Luol Deng Malcolm Lee Manny Harris Manu Ginobili Marc Gasol Marcin Gortat Marco Belinelli Marcus Camby Marcus Morris Marcus Thornton Mario Chalmers Markieff Morris Marquis Daniels Marreese Speights MarShon Brooks Martell Webster Marvin Williams Matt Barnes Matt Bonner Matt Carroll Maurice Evans Metta World Peace Michael Beasley Michael Redd Mickaël Pietrus Mickell Gladness Mike Bibby Mike Conley Mike Dunleavy Mike James Mike Miller Mikki Moore Mo Williams Monta Ellis Morris Almond Nate Robinson Nazr Mohammed Nene Nick Collison Nick Young Nicolas Batum Nikola Pekovic Nikola Vucevic Nolan Smith Norris Cole O. J. Mayo Omri Casspi Patrick Mills Patrick Patterson Pau Gasol Paul George Paul Millsap Paul Pierce Quentin Richardson Quincy Pondexter Raja Bell Rajon Rondo Ramon Sessions Randy Foye Rashard Lewis Ray Allen Raymond Felton Reggie Evans Reggie Jackson Reggie Williams Richard Hamilton Richard Jefferson Ricky Rubio Robin Lopez Rodney Stuckey Rodrigue Beaubois Ronnie Brewer Ronnie Price Ronny Turiaf Roy Hibbert Royal Ivey Rudy Fernandez Rudy Gay Russell Westbrook Ryan Anderson Ryan Gomes Ryan Hollins Sam Young Samardo Samuels Samuel Dalembert Sasha Pavlovic Sean Williams Sebastian Telfair Semih Erden Serge Ibaka Shane Battier Shannon Brown Shaun Livingston Shawn Marion Shawne Williams Shelden Williams Shelvin Mack Solomon Alabi Spencer Hawes Stephen Curry Stephen Jackson Steve Blake Steve Nash Steve Novak Sundiata Gaines Taj Gibson Tayshaun Prince Terrel Harris Terrence Williams Thabo Sefolosha Thaddeus Young Tiago Splitter Tim Duncan Timofey Mozgov Tobias Harris Toney Douglas Tony Allen Tony Battie Tony Parker Tracy McGrady Travis Leslie Travis Outlaw Trevor Ariza Trevor Booker Trey Thompkins Tristan Thompson Troy Murphy Ty Lawson Tyler Hansbrough Tyler Honeycutt Tyreke Evans Tyrus Thomas Tyson Chandler Udonis Haslem Vernon Macklin Vince Carter Vladimir Radmanovic Walker Russell Wayne Ellington Wesley Johnson Wesley Matthews Will Bynum Willie Green Wilson Chandler Xavier Henry Xavier Silas Zach Randolph Zaza Pachulia
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Birds with Wings by Guest (

Word Quantity 10
Max Word Length 7
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Candies by Guest (

Word Quantity 51
Max Word Length 18
AirHeads Atomic Fireball Bit-O-Honey Blow Pops Cadbury eggs Candy Cane Candy corn Candy Necklace Circus peanuts Gobstoppers Good N Plenty Gummies Gushers Hershey's Kiss Jawbreakers Jelly Belly Jolly Ranchers Junior Mints Laffy Taffy Lemonheads Life Savers Lollipop Milk Duds Necco wafers Nerds Nik-L-Nips Now and Laters Peach Rings Peeps Pez Pixie Stix Pocky Pop Rocks Raisinets Red Vines Ring Pops Runts Salt water taffy Skittles Smarties Sour Patch Kids Sour Punch Straw Spree Starburst Sugar Daddy Swedish Fish Sweet Tarts Twizzlers Warheads Wax lips Werther's Original
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Cat Breeds by Merschat.com

Word Quantity 86
Max Word Length 23
Abyssinian Aegean Cat American Curl American Longhair American Polydactyl American Shorthair American Wirehair Arabian Mau Asian Asian Semi-Longhair Australian Mist Balinese Bambino Bengal Birman Bombay Brazilian Shorthair British Longhair British Shorthair Burmese Burmilla Calico California Spangled Cat Chantilly Chartreux Chausie Cheetoh Colorpoint Shorthair Cornish Rex Cymric Cyprus Shorthair Devon Rex Domestic Shorthair Cat Donskoy Sphynx Dragon Li Egyptian Mau European Shorthair Exotic Shorthair German Rex Havana Brown Himalayan Persian Japanese Bobtail Javanese Korat Kurilian Bobtail LaPerm Maine Coon Manx Mekong Bobtail Minskin Munchkin Napolean Nebelung Norwegian Forest Cat Ocicat Ojos Azules Oregon Rex Oriental Bicolour Oriental Longhair Oriental Shorthair Persian Peterbald Pixie-Bob Ragamuffin Ragdoll Russian Black Russian Blue Savannah Scottish Fold Selkirk Rex Serengeti Cat Siamese Siberian Singapura Snowshoe Sokoke Somali Sphynx Thai Tonkinese Toyger Turkish Angora Turkish Van Ukrainian Levkoy Ussuri York Chocolate Cat
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Christmas by Guest (

Word Quantity 17
Max Word Length 13
Advent wreath angel Christmas Church creche faith family Gabriel hope Jesus Joseph love Mary mass nativity peace wisemen
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Cold Case Episodes by Guest (

Word Quantity 158
Max Word Length 30
A Dollar a Dream A Perfect Day A Time to Hate Adrian Almost Paradise Andy in C Minor Baby Blues Bad Night Bad Reputation Ball Change Beautiful Little Fool Best Friends Blackout Blank Generation Blood on the Tracks Bombers Boy Crazy Breaking News Bullet Cargo Chinatown Churchgoing People Colors Committed Creatures of the Night Daniela Dead Heat Death Penalty: Final Appeal Debut Detention Devil Music Disco Inferno Discretion Dog Day Afternoons Eight Years Factory Girls Family Family Eighty One O Eight Fireflies Flashover Fly Away Forensics Forever Blue Frank's Best Free Love Ghost of My Child Gleen Glory Days Glued Greed Honor Hood Rats Hubris Iced Into The Blue It Takes a Village It's Raining Men Jackals Joseph Jurisprudence Justice Kensington Knuckle Up Late Returns Libertyville Lonely Hearts Look Again Lotto Fever Love Conquers Al Lover's Lane Maternal Instincts Metamorphosis Mind Games Mind Hunters November Twenty Second Offender Officer Down One Fall One Night One Small Step Our Boy Is Back Pin Up Girl Rampage Ravaged Read Between the Lines Red Glare Resolutions Revenge Revolution Roller Girl Running Around Sabotage Sanctuary Sandhogs Saving Patrick Bubley Saving Sammy Schadenfreude Shattered Sherry Darlin' Shore Leave Shuffle Slipping Soul Spiders Stalker Stand Up and Holler Start-Up Static Stealing Home Strange Fruit Street Money Superstar That Woman The Badlands The Boy in the Box The Brush Man The Crossing The Dealer The Good Death The Good Soldier The Good-Bye Room The Hen House The Hitchhiker The House The Key The Last Drive-In The Letter The Long Blue Line The Lost Soul of Herman Lester The Plan The Promise The Red and the Blue The River The Road The Runaway Bunny The Runner The Sleepover The War at Home The Woods Thick As Thieves Thrill Kill Time to Crime Torn Triple Threat True Calling Two Weddings Volunteers WASP Wednesday's Women Who's Your Daddy? Willkommen Wings Wishing Witness Protection World's End Wunderkind Yo
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Color by Guest (

Word Quantity 25
Max Word Length 10
apricot Aquamarine black blue brown canary cerise gold gray green indigo lavender magenta orange peach pink purple red rose salmon silver tan violet white yellow
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