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Word Quantity 22
Max Word Length 14
citizen community council discussion election government injustice intolerance knowledge law media opinions parliament participation racism respect responsibility rights skills understanding views vote
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Citizenship by Guest (

Word Quantity 13
Max Word Length 14
beliefs citizen Community courage feelings honesty job kindness respect responsibility rights self worth values
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Community by Guest (

Word Quantity 24
Max Word Length 14
appointed citizens common purpose community council discussion duty elected election government law mayor meeting neighbors obey opinions ordinance people public responsibility rights together views vote
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Veterans Day by Merschat.com

Word Quantity 129
Max Word Length 21
admiral air force airmen alfred king allegiance anniversary appreciation arlington armistice day army artillery attack band base battle bivouac brigadier bronze star captain caring cavalry cemetary ceremonies citizens civilians coast guard color guard colors commander commemoration concert corporal covenant d-day defend desert storm died duty dwight eisenhower enlisted ensign equal opportunity exhibits flag fleet master flying cross force master foreign wars freedom gerald ford germany gold star grateful gratitude gunnery helicopters heroism holiday honor infantry jeeps justice korea league legacy legion liberty lieutenant lives major marines master chief medal memorial amphitheater mia military militia minutemen music national guard nations navy normandy november eleventh obligation officer parades patriotic peace people planes pledge pow prayer pride private procession purple heart relations remembrance respect sacred trust sailors self-determination selfless service ships silver star singing sergeants soldiers solemn specialist strikes survivors thanksgiving the great war tomb of the unkowns treaty of versailles tribute troops understanding unity valley forge valor victory volunteering woodrow wilson world war i world war ii
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